Sunday, December 21, 2014

Let's Talk About Pie....

After all of my holiday related blog posts I thought it was time to move onto something new so this blog post is going to be all about pies. I know, kind of random, but I figured what the heck pie is always delicious and relevant. 

Last week I was all about pies. I had a potluck holiday lunch at work so I decided to bring a  chocolate chip pecan pie. I used the Karo syrup pecan pie recipe, which can be found here.  I altered the recipe slightly by adding a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. I'm a big fan of short cuts so I love pre-made frozen pie crusts. All you have to do is prepare your filling ingredients, pour into the pre-made pie crust, bake and voilà you have a beautiful pie. Since the frozen pie crusts come in packages of two and I still had leftover karo syrup I decided to try another pie recipe from the karo syrup website. I made the brownie pecan pie for my cookie decorating and hot chocolate bar party.   See, I told you I would discuss that pie in a future blog post! Both pies turned out great and received rave reviews. 

Pecan pie with chocolate chips

Brownie Pecan pie 

I thought I would also share some pie recipes using keebler's graham cracker crusts, which are another great easy pie crust optio

Another way to  incorporate pies when entertaining is to serve mini pies and create a "pie bar". Below I have included pictures of some examples. Trader Joe's sells a mini pie medley which is a great option if you want to have a "pie bar" at your next party. 

Photo Courtesy of: Weddingomania

Photo Courtesy of: myinspiredwedding

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